

Whenever my father would ask me to do something or go somewhere, I would normally say no. My usual reason was either I was doing something else or I didn’t feel like going somewhere. For years, I’ve given him the same response; so I thank God for the patience He’s given to him during that season.

This morning, he woke me up asking me to attend a meeting as his replacement. Guess what? I said no. As his excuse, he said he had a cold; I told him I was sick, too, so he should go instead.  Then I remembered my #oneword for this year—FOLLOW. Hence, I mustered all the motivation I had to get out of bed and go out of my way.

Day 018 January 18

I would be with a group of pastors during the trip, so I never thought the next hours would be fun or even anything close to that; but God has His way of surprising us almost all of the time. I went home smiling and grateful that this time, I said yes.

P.S. When it was time for me to say goodbye, they uttered: “Bye, tropa!” I couldn’t laugh any harder!

One Word


follow-3It’s not every day that we want to go on an adventure, especially when we don’t know exactly where we are going. How much time is it gonna take? How many turns? Which is the best way? Who knows where we are going really? Then we experience what it’s like to get lost. It’s unpleasant most of (if not all) the time.

When I started my journey with God, I’ve been faced with paths that looked good but were otherwise. At times, I would be caught off guard when the turns, stops, and detours showed themselves; but with God as my guide, I know I’ll never get lost. This journey has been one that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. It’s sweet to have the Lord as my guide, but it’s even sweeter to know that in the end, He’s also my destination.

Here’s my One Word for 2017: FOLLOW.